Category B firearms are only available to sport shooters who hold a license to practice for at least 6 months, with a medical certificate, without a criminal conviction, and additionally require at least three shooting sessions with an instructor. Specific purchase and possession permits can then be applied for from a local police department, are valid for 5 years and can be extended. These weapons can then only be used for sport shooting in shooting ranges, never for hunting. Category B includes all assault rifles such as AK-47/AKM, AK-74 or AR-15/M16/M4, as well as all similar weapons, even if they are chambered for rimfire (.22 LR) cartridges. These can only be semi-automatic. All handguns, including those using rim ammunition, are classified as Category B. It is illegal to possess these Category B weapons after the expiry of a specific non-renewed licence: the weapons must be disposed of (e.g., sold to a firearms store or otherwise destroyed). Firearms laws in Hungary are relatively strict, governed by Legislative Decree 24/2004[345] Government Decision 253/2004 (VIII. 31.) and Directive of the Minister of the Interior 49/2004. The law defines a firearm as an initial energy greater than 7.5 joules (5.5 ft ⋅ lbf). A firearms licence may be issued to persons over the age of 18 who do not have a criminal conviction or intellectual disability and who have passed a basic firearms theory or practical test. Three categories of possession of firearms are allowed: hunting (firearms limited to bolt shots and double-barreled rifles), sport shooting (the only restriction is not fully automatic firearms), self-defense (special police permit, which is very rarely granted in special cases, for example, owners of gun stores).
Sport shooting has gained popularity in recent years, as the number of sports category licenses issued continues to increase. Government initiatives to popularize shooting sports, such as the construction of shooting ranges and the introduction of shooting as a sport in the school system, have slowly begun. It is generally expected that obtaining (and maintaining) a firearms licence will be a slow and somewhat expensive process, but once a licence is issued and the necessary annual memberships are paid, annual medical certificates are obtained and the 2-3 mandatory sporting events are attended (for sport shooters), possession is quite liberal in terms of the type of firearm one can possess. Firearms in Argentina have been restricted and regulated by the ANMaC (Agencia Nacional de Materiales Controlados) since October 2015. This agency replaced RENAR (Registro Nacional de Armas de la Republica Argentina), both of which are a department of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. To own a firearm in Argentina, you must be a legitimate user. Applicants must: be 21 years of age or older, present a medical certificate attesting that they are in good physical and mental shape, take a security course, provide a legitimate means of income, and undergo and pass a background check. The fingerprints of a successful candidate will be taken and a permit will be issued, which must be renewed every five years. You cannot legally unload a firearm in Argentina if it is not a legitimate user, even if that weapon belongs to someone else. Once a legitimate user wants to buy a firearm, they must provide a safe place to store the firearm and provide an acceptable reason for wanting a firearm – such as collection, targeting, hunting, business or self-defense at home.
[165] In addition to private firearms licences, organizations may issue port licences to their members or employees for activities related to that organization (e.g., security companies, shooting clubs, other workplaces). Members of officially recognized shooting clubs (e.g., practical shooting, Olympic shooting) are entitled to personal licences that allow them to possess additional firearms (small arms, pistol-caliber carabiners, handguns, air rifles and air pistols) and ammunition after demonstrating a need and meeting minimum membership time and activity requirements. Unauthorized persons who wish to participate in the practice of shooting are allowed to monitor shotguns and small caliber rifles on shooting ranges. About one weapon belongs to three people in the country, which is mainly used for hunting and competitive shooting. [300] From January to July 2019, 394 shotguns, 785 rifles, and 208 handguns were registered in Iceland. In total, police gun counts in Iceland include about 40,000 shotguns, 25,000 rifles and 3,600 handguns as of July this year. [301] Botswana law only permits the possession of shotguns and rifles. The government has limited the number of licenses issued each year – only 50 people can get them, no matter how many applications there are, which means the acceptance rate is usually less than 1%. [151] Namibia authorizes the possession of firearms under a licence issued in May.